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 The Fiat 124 spider Abarth is like driving a big go cart It is low to the ground, very light and handles amazingly The small turbo charged engine provides plenty of pull and with a few inexpensive mods, becomes an even more amazingly fun car to driveThe 18 Fiat 124 Spider is powered by a 14liter turbocharged I4 that produces 160 hp (164 for the Abarth model) and 184 lbft of torque, and delivers an EPArated 25/36 mpg city/highway with18 FIAT 124 Spider Abarth Convertible 2D Convertible White FINANCE $31,590 (TOUCHLESS DELIVERY TO YOUR HOME south shore ) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting $25,990 favorite this post FIAT 124 Spider Abarth Convertible 2D Convertible Gray FINANCE

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I can name some British Values Mutual respect means we might not always agree with someone but we respect their opinion provided they aren't breaking the law Value 4 Mutual Respect I believe that the Big Bang made the world I believe God made the world True or False The boys can ask why the other thinksMutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs'4 Mutual Respect Mutual respect is at the heart of our values Staff and students treat each other with the utmost respect and courtesy Students learn that their behaviours affect their rights and those of others All members of the school community are required to treat each other with respect, and this is a high profile message that is communicated to students

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